2. Product


DOBOGEN K is manufactured from high quality pure soluble silicate and potassium. It enhances the cell wall and the cuticle formation, strengthens the plant against possible diseases and increases the shelf life. Potassium synergises with the silicate to boost plant strength. As the main ingredient is natural mineral silicate extract, it is an environmentally friendly product, which makes it perfectly suitable for organic farming.


  • DOBOGEN K Main Benefits Enhances the cell wall and cuticle formation Strengthens the leaf and stem Increases the crop yield by improving the quality of plants Suitable for environmentally friendly agriculture DOBOGEN K Benefits Test Before After DOBOGEN K Usage Method CROP RATE
  • L/ha RATE
  • ml/100L NUMBER & TIMING OF APPLICATION Cereal 3L 200ml 4 times every 7 days Grass 2 times a month Fruit 2L 150ml 2 times 7 days after rooting Veg